(channels_index_en: Found in cache)
(channels_type_index_en: Found in cache)
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(channels_EGY_: Found in cache)
(channels_GBR_: Found in cache)
(channels_USA_: Found in cache)
Affiliate Platforms available on BeezUP • Ecommerce feed management Unlock the full potential of affiliation networks Make your products accessible to thousands of affiliates with BeezUP Request a demo
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An affiliation platform is a digital promotion system involving two actors: the retail website that offers the affiliation scheme and the affiliate subscribing to the affiliation system to promote the retailer’s products. Each purchase made by a web user sent by the affiliate entitles the latter to a commission agreed in advance with the retail website.
Main model: CPA (Commission)
Don’t wait any longer to raise your brand internationaly and multiply your customer contact points! Because a personalised demo is worth more than 1000 words. Let’s talk about you project!
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